Wednesday, December 04, 2019

The Christmas Chronicles

I'm back! Seven weeks on the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain was a one of a kind experience. I am ready to get back into the swing of writing film reviews and what better way to begin than with a Christmas film.

Searching around for something to watch, I was intrigued to see Kurt Russell in a Santa suit in the trailer for The Christmas Chronicles. A Netflix original, I decided why not? I’ve always liked Kurt Russell and the story looked cute. The film is rated TV-PG.

I sat down with drink and popcorn and thoroughly enjoyed this fantastical romp through the night skies of Christmas Eve. Brother Teddy (Judah Lewis) and sister Kate (Darby Camp) are left alone to decorate the home and Christmas tree while Mom Claire (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) has to go to work. The family has recently lost their father Doug (Oliver Hudson), who was a firefighter, so emotions run high this Christmas time.

Kate believes in Santa with all her heart and much to their delight and ours, Santa (Kurt Russell) pays them a visit, complete with sleigh and reindeer. But a mishap occurs and he enlists Kate and Teddy to help him fix Christmas.

Kurt Russell does a really great job playing Santa. I’ve always liked his acting abilities, and he is a really lovable funny guy in this role. I recall from years and years ago that he played Elvis Presley in the TV movie Elvis. He was really quite good, and is a good singer. Be forewarned. One of the best scenes recalls a certain "jailhouse?"

There is lots of magic and fantasy and great special effects as Santa swoops through the sky, bounds across rooftops and down chimneys, and the reindeer almost look real (not some mechanized puppets I mean).  Delightful story, well written and delivered, The Christmas Chronicles is now one of my favorite Christmas movies. I plan to watch it again.

Have you seen it? Do you think Kurt Russell is the best Santa ever?