
Welcome to my website!
Have you ever wondered why some critics review films? They don't even seem to like movies that much from what they write. I LOVE movies, and think about them long after the last credits roll across the screen. My reviews are meant to inform, entertain and never have a spoiler.
Enjoy my reviews and please comment and come back frequently! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Thanks for coming to my website.  I have just begun restyling my site, so please stay tuned and come again.  If you sign up to receive my posts via email, you'll be connected to all my future reviews.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Hi Sue. I enjoyed reading your blog. Miss seeing- and discussing- movies with you and Tom. They are an ever-fascinating blend of art and science, creativity and finance, inspiration and degredation. It's not a vampire movie but I recently watched what is considered to be one of the best horror movies called "Cabin in the Woods". The premise of the plot, explained (of course) towards the end of the film, is something unique. Sigourney Weaver is the film's "biggest" star. Geo
